Sunday, January 15, 2012

Random things!

Today was a GTN day.....GYM TANNING NAILS!. Oh and Bojangles!
Make up was a no go today, Although even though I did not wear any make up I 
made sure I still washed my face.
When I don't wear make up I always seem to touch my face all the time and it tends to get very oily.

I have decided on a few things about skin,
1. No matter how many times you wash your are still gonna have those annoying break outs.
2. Citrus fruits such as oranges are great for your skin!
3. Fast food doesn't make you break much fast food you eat will!.
4. When working out or doing sports, it is better to not wear make up, sweat comes out of the pores and the make up will clog them.

Mark Face washes are some of my favorites! I have found that they keep my skin smooth and help keep those annoying break outs down to a minimum. 
The Face wash I have been using a lot is the "Help Wanted; anti acne exfoliating cleanser"

This can be found on my eBoutique